The goal of All NYC Yachts is to provide private charter yachts and boats for family, social, work and non-profit events.
I may have the most varied and pertinent charter yacht broker experience in New York Harbor:
- I've brokered NY Harbor and Tri-State area (NY, NJ and Ct) charter yachts for 40 years.
- I currently represent over 80 private yachts and rental boats.
- Regina and I chartered our own sailing yacht Prelude for 35 years in the NY metropolitan area and 14 winters in the Eastern Caribbean.
- I've boated since I was 6 years old on over 40 motor yachts and sailing yachts.
- I've owned 4 boats.
- I've motored and sailed over 100,000 blue water and coastal miles with a United States Coast Guard 100 ton master's license with sailing endorsement.
- I have lived aboard for 51 years at the W. 79th St Boat Basin on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and for 4 years in New Jersey.
- I developed iboatnyharbor, a website to inform recreational boaters, harbor users, cruisers, snowbirds and transient boaters on the differences of boating in New York's mixed-use harbor. Over 1.6 million hits.
- I'm a member of the Liberty Yacht Club.
- One of the best decisions of my life was to quit a great corporate job 40 years ago to sail off into the sunset.
Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
- from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame
All NYC Yachts
Service Area: We provide private charter yachts and boats in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut

All NYC Yachts
Since 1985 |
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